Wednesday 28 December 2011

Australia Day 1 ♥

Hello guys!!

So sorry for the delay on posting about our trip to Australia, me and my family of course. This is why i don't blog    in the past few years. I find it kinda boring, but i'm definitely trying to push myself to write as frequently as i can! yup. we depart to Australia on the 9th of dec and came back to Malaysia on the 14th. 14 days has passed....
And definitely MISSING AUSTRALIA!! feel like i'm Aus-sick.

Yeah, we arrived there on 15th of Dec, its a 6 hours flight. We boarded SQ. Feel like i'm having an ass-cramp during the first flight... freaking 6 hours man...i just can't sleep well. But gotta love the movies!
MOVE on...
And so i let the pictures do the talking with the help from captions ok! hope you don't mind.

 Muslim food in SQ

 look tasty? hmm..i dunno...

ze dessert! DELISH!!!

Our journey starts by renting a car at the airport through Red Spot. And dad drove us to Century Cove, some several shops in Brisbane and Queensland and to Pacific Fair Mall.

Grabbed some Strawbewwy at strawberry farm if i'm not mistaken.

Century cove!

An antique sort of damaged car at some antique car workshop
can see the skeleton? he's the wonder...Haha

Since it was almost our check-in time, so we continued to Anchor Down's apartment. we stayed there. the apartment was not a let down! really! the interior was very lovely, the bedroom was very comfy. too bad that i forgot to take pictures of the room. you can google what... the receptionist/owner was very friendly and greeted us with a casual 'Apa Khabar?' as she has visited Malaysia several times.

We were really hungry and so we went to Pacific Fair Mall to grab some lunch. Luckily there's a halal restaurant at the food court; 'House of India'. the food was superb!


Mine was lamb curry. 

Off to the beach!!!

 At a beach near Surfers Paradise!

Cantik right?

I will continue our day 2 trip tomorrow! Movie world baby!

Thursday 8 December 2011

Syarafina ♥


Hope you like our(me and ayu) birthday song :) ok, kinda embarrassing. Hehe. Anyway, you're SEVENTEEN now! Join the club babe. Love you! Presents? Surely i'm gonna grab something somewhere as your present. XX, hugs and kisses.


Wednesday 7 December 2011


Charlie St.Cloud.

That book is nowhere near mine. Its 100% fina's. I just borrowed it. well..not really 'just borrowed'. I've been keeping that book for months now. Hehe, sorry fina! Its because of the threatening Spm that made me wouldn't dare to read that book and so i promised her to read it right after Spm finished. And now its finished, so i definitely have to read that charlie book. Ever heard of a movie called Charlie St. Cloud? Ring a bell? Anyway, that movie is based on this novel. From what i heard, the story-line of the novel is very sad. As for me, i'm the type of  girl that can easily be 'emo' when i come across a sad novel/movie/drama. Fina too..and Eqa. We're hardcore man. How can we help not to cry if the story is just sad enough? you tell me. Even when we watched Ombak Rindu, we cried, Tsk. Well, i'm looking forward to finish reading this novel.

see, there's even zac efron on the cover.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Grandma ♥

Nenek is finally back from Mecca! i really missed her. I'm very thankful that she arrived here at Senai Airport safely. Alhamdulillah.

And just so you know, so many families come to the airport to fetch their mum/dad/relatives/brothers and sisters who are back from performing Haji at Mecca. They hugged and kissed each other. Me too hugged and kissed my grandma you know. And nenek said she doesn't even want to leave Mecca yet. Now that made me wanna go to Mecca and perform Haji, hehe. Anyway, its good to see you back nek. May Allah accept your Hajj and deeds while in Mecca, xx

you see, so many people right?


hehe, nenek is so cute in this picture, xx

Thursday 1 December 2011


This year to:
see if you can guess :D

Twilight Combo

RM 14 for a twilight combo.
Totally worth it! HEHE 

Movie Thursday

*drum roll please....
Breaking Dawn and Ombak Rindu

Kinda over excited after watching Breaking Dawn Part 1! Talking about being a Twihard for about 4 years now. What team i'm in? Team Edward ofc. I totally fell in love with the wedding part. Kristen looks absolutely stunning in that wedding dress designed by Carolina Herrera and Robert Pattinson just so Good Looking. Glad that they are real life couple. Two thumbs up for Breaking Dawn. Part 2, please come to the theater quickly. Ombak Rindu was ok, i did cried a little but it was ok.

See what i mean. I just love them.
Its true love people.

SPM free


Being free of SPM is what i've been waiting for. All the time that i've spent with studying. 100% fully studied all the 10 subjects? Errr...not really though. But now its not the time for me to feel pissed or regret for not preparing early. Praying. Yes, i just need to keep praying to Allah and dua' for the best result, 24/7 if possible. Insya-Allah i can get good grades. 10A's. Amin.
Other than that, I'm totally psyched that i am free from school!!
Its the results that i'm worried about.

Goodbye, love from Mells.