Tuesday 6 December 2011

Grandma ♥

Nenek is finally back from Mecca! i really missed her. I'm very thankful that she arrived here at Senai Airport safely. Alhamdulillah.

And just so you know, so many families come to the airport to fetch their mum/dad/relatives/brothers and sisters who are back from performing Haji at Mecca. They hugged and kissed each other. Me too hugged and kissed my grandma you know. And nenek said she doesn't even want to leave Mecca yet. Now that made me wanna go to Mecca and perform Haji, hehe. Anyway, its good to see you back nek. May Allah accept your Hajj and deeds while in Mecca, xx

you see, so many people right?


hehe, nenek is so cute in this picture, xx

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