Wednesday 28 December 2011

Australia Day 1 ♥

Hello guys!!

So sorry for the delay on posting about our trip to Australia, me and my family of course. This is why i don't blog    in the past few years. I find it kinda boring, but i'm definitely trying to push myself to write as frequently as i can! yup. we depart to Australia on the 9th of dec and came back to Malaysia on the 14th. 14 days has passed....
And definitely MISSING AUSTRALIA!! feel like i'm Aus-sick.

Yeah, we arrived there on 15th of Dec, its a 6 hours flight. We boarded SQ. Feel like i'm having an ass-cramp during the first flight... freaking 6 hours man...i just can't sleep well. But gotta love the movies!
MOVE on...
And so i let the pictures do the talking with the help from captions ok! hope you don't mind.

 Muslim food in SQ

 look tasty? hmm..i dunno...

ze dessert! DELISH!!!

Our journey starts by renting a car at the airport through Red Spot. And dad drove us to Century Cove, some several shops in Brisbane and Queensland and to Pacific Fair Mall.

Grabbed some Strawbewwy at strawberry farm if i'm not mistaken.

Century cove!

An antique sort of damaged car at some antique car workshop
can see the skeleton? he's the wonder...Haha

Since it was almost our check-in time, so we continued to Anchor Down's apartment. we stayed there. the apartment was not a let down! really! the interior was very lovely, the bedroom was very comfy. too bad that i forgot to take pictures of the room. you can google what... the receptionist/owner was very friendly and greeted us with a casual 'Apa Khabar?' as she has visited Malaysia several times.

We were really hungry and so we went to Pacific Fair Mall to grab some lunch. Luckily there's a halal restaurant at the food court; 'House of India'. the food was superb!


Mine was lamb curry. 

Off to the beach!!!

 At a beach near Surfers Paradise!

Cantik right?

I will continue our day 2 trip tomorrow! Movie world baby!

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