Wednesday 7 December 2011


Charlie St.Cloud.

That book is nowhere near mine. Its 100% fina's. I just borrowed it. well..not really 'just borrowed'. I've been keeping that book for months now. Hehe, sorry fina! Its because of the threatening Spm that made me wouldn't dare to read that book and so i promised her to read it right after Spm finished. And now its finished, so i definitely have to read that charlie book. Ever heard of a movie called Charlie St. Cloud? Ring a bell? Anyway, that movie is based on this novel. From what i heard, the story-line of the novel is very sad. As for me, i'm the type of  girl that can easily be 'emo' when i come across a sad novel/movie/drama. Fina too..and Eqa. We're hardcore man. How can we help not to cry if the story is just sad enough? you tell me. Even when we watched Ombak Rindu, we cried, Tsk. Well, i'm looking forward to finish reading this novel.

see, there's even zac efron on the cover.

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